Assistant Lecturer of Dance at Makerere University. He studied Ensemble-Psychomotor Engagement of Juvenile Delinquents for his M.A in Performing Arts. He has experience in civic education, indigenous art forms, Kinesiology, Movement Awareness, Modelling and body posture development. He punctuates and choreographs Makerere University graduation ceremonies with traditional dance rhythms. He is the academic adviser to Baganda-Nkobazambogo Student's Association of Makerere University. He did Community dance consultancy with Reconcile international Yei River Country-Southern Sudan (2006/2007).
Proprietor for Naggalabi Indigenous Theatre; a child play centre/young people's theatre at Buddo. Proprietor Nit kindergarten project where performing arts is tested in dominates the pedagogical approaches to early childhood education Dancer in national and international festivals; e.g. Festival des Pyrenees at Hororon/ D ijon- France, Festivo Folklorico de Cruidad Real in Jaka-Spain (2003), and in the Bagamoyo Arts festival in Tanzania (2005). Eric is a Root Music and dance promoter with Face Music Switzerland face.music@bluewin.ch
Endorsed as Master of Community Engagements executing Applied Dance to graduate students of the Study Abroad Program of the Steinhardt school of education-New York University (NYU). Eric’s scholarly works include but not limited to: Enhancing the Kinesiological and Physiological Experience in Dance education; Illustrations from the Anatomy of the Magunju Dancer-Basic Movement (work in progress), ''Dancing: a Psychomotor Tool for Community Bonding'' presented to graduate students of the Study Abroad Program of New York University (Jan 2014), -“Celebrating the Birth of Twins among Christian Baganda: A Survey of Personal Stories” (Jan 2013), “Opportunities and Constraint of using Dance as a Rehabilitation Tool for Juvenile Delinquents in Uganda”, (2015)-“ Bakisimba, a Praise Song for Fermented Banana and Sorghum Juice” and “Destination Too Hot” (2005)-Eric is the national coordinator for Japanese Butoh Space Dance.