Ssemaganda Gerald is one of the determined and influential choreographers, dancers and teachers of this time in Uganda. He is a graduate of the Norwegian college of dance that awarded him a scholarship before he finished his years at Makerere University in the department of performing arts and film where he currently teaches dance. Gerald was born in Wakiso district and began his career in music, dance and drama at a tender age while at school. Through a fundamental training in the Ugandan traditional music and dance at a well-known performing school tender talents magnet school, he was able to travel with tender talents theatre to U.S.A with a musical play called “A Bantu Mu Buntu” as actor, dancer and instrumentalist in 2005. Since then Gerald has never looked back and he has trained and performed almost with all the popular traditional performing troupes in Uganda. Gerald has taught and choreographed in many different institutions and organisations like makerere university, tender talent theatre, Children of Uganda, Inter Aid, Peace Africa children’s ensemble among other. And he has been part of the popular international collaborations such as Umoja international flying carpet, PACE-Talisman of Stanford University, the annual artistic collaboration between Makerere University and the Norwegian college of dance as a dancer, teacher, choreographer and instrumentalist. His continuous commitment to serve the communities that nurtured him is through his tremendous works at dance theatre Uganda.
Ssemaganda Gerald
Area of Specialty :
Assistant Lecturer